
Instead of writing a long post of my time here so far I will share some pictures I've taken(not in order!), enjoy!
My flat!
Malmö city
Malmö Tweed Ride!
From today's bike excursion to the village of Torup!
These kind of woods are extinct and was very pretty to walk around in :)
Really pleased with the photo above, proves that you don't need a super expensive camera to get got pictures ;D
Some photos from the first day in Malmö, view from hotel!
Freshmen's week and our class won!
Turning Torso by night
Some pictures for a school project
Dots only...
My bike!
Eternal happiness when I found this shop! although crazy expensive :/
Largest shopping mall in Scandinavia - Emporia
They even had a park on top of the building :P
Bike ride with Rina to "Ribban" (beach)
Made soup :D
and bread...
New laptop!
Bag of free stuff!
My latest addition, best one so far!
Work in proccess...

Postat av: Anna

Måste komma och hälsa på om jag får!!

2014-10-12 @ 04:26:47
Postat av: Anonym

Wow! Du är så duktig och va fint du har det :D

2014-10-12 @ 16:09:10

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