Prepping for exchange
Long time no see!
These past few months have been busy with gathering all the paperwork for the exchange, booking flights, finding a tenant, meeting people etc etc... But now I can finally relax for a while since most things are sorted out. For those of you who have no idea what I'm writing about; I'm going to Rochester, NY to study this coming term(semester) at Rochester Institute of Technology! Fortunately, I haven't had to deal with all this by myself because there are two other people, Gustav and Nellie also from Malmö University, who are going.
It has been a tremendous amount of paperwork, first an application to Malmö Uni, then another one to RIT, then the visa application and lots of other things. Our flight is now booked and we will travel from Copenhagen 12th of August and arriving the day after in Rochester. All three of us have been lucky enough to get a room at campus which apparently is very difficult! Nellie and I will share a room in a corridor and Gustav will be staying in an apartment. The accomodation at campus is crazy expensive!! So if any future exchange students read this, make sure you start saving your money today ;)
To study in America is on my bucketlist and I'm very excited and nervous. This will certainly be one of my most challenging things I've ever done but I'm sure it will also be one of the best decisions I've taken. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!