Ireland day 1 and 2
Writing another post in English woho :) This time about my recent trip to Ireland. Woke up way too early on Saturday(15/2) morning, 05.00! My lovely family gave me a ride to Stanstead and the flight departured about 20 min late but at 10.20 I arrived to Cork Airport :D I went to the hostel and left my bag and then I met up with a Swedish au pair living in Cork and her name was Susanna. We had lunch at The English Market, a market where they sell all sorts of local made food! If I lived in Cork I would have bought all my groceries there :D After that we did some shopping and then she had to leave at 17 so I wandered around some more and then I went back to the hostel to make dinner. In the evening I met up with a Danish girl called Victoria and we were gonna go on a day tour together the day after....
Day numero dos, Sunday I woke at 07.10, got dressed and met up with Victoria in the kitchen. We ate and then went to the tourist office to check in for the tour to Ring of Kerry. Unfortunately, Victoria had booked the wrong date and since the bus was fully booked she couldn't come :( I sat next to a girl from New York and we kept on talking during the tour. Ring of Kerry is suppose to be one of Europe's most scenic routes and in the summer thousands of tourists come to see it! This time of the year was very calm, think we met maybe 4 other cars/buses. The tour took about 2 hours and was very beautiful, although I must say I think I prefer Scotland ;) Our guide was really funny and knowledgable so can recommend to travel with paddywagon if you want a tour in Ireland :)

Three photos from Killarney. It were barely any people out and all the shops were closed :/

This goat is called King Puck, every year there is a festival in this village(don't remember the name) where you have to catch a goat, put a crown on its head and then put it on a roof(?) where it will have food and water for three days. If it survives it is crowned King Puck! Apparently this attracts thousands of people :o

The mascot of our guide!

Village of Waterville, half way through ROK.

Charlie Chaplin visited Waterville a few times during his lifetime so they have got a statue of him there!

This is apparently the nicest view on the route, got really bad pictures though and it was quite foggy :/ but it was soooooo freaking windy there, never ever met a wind like that! I could literally lean against it!

Gap of Dunloe.

This view is called The ladies view since it is a view suitable for a lady ;)

Torc Waterfall in Killarney National Park - Really pretty!

To be continued....